Using IRenderer
Monitoring the global palette
In order to get access to a renderer you need to begin with a palette. The recommended way of getting an IRenderer reference is to call the GetReference() method in the PaletteBase. Therefore your custom control should begin by monitoring the global palette so that you can access the associated renderer appropriate for that global palette. You should follow the steps outlined in the Using PaletteBase article in order to add ability.
IRenderer Basics
In order to use the methods exposed by the IRenderer we need take a few basic setup steps. In particular we need to create four helper objects that are then used in your interaction with the renderer instance. To begin you should add the following fields to your custom control class.
private PaletteRedirect _paletteRedirect;
private PaletteBackInheritRedirect _paletteBack;
private PaletteBorderInheritRedirect _paletteBorder;
private PaletteContentInheritRedirect _paletteContent;
private IDisposable _mementoBack;
Now update your constructor in order to create the four instances in the following manner.
public MyUserControl()
// ...Your other constructor code...
// (1) Create redirection object to the base palette
_paletteRedirect = new PaletteRedirect(_palette);
// (2) Create accessor objects for the back, border and content
_paletteBack = new PaletteBackInheritRedirect(_paletteRedirect);
_paletteBorder = new PaletteBorderInheritRedirect(_paletteRedirect);
_paletteContent = new PaletteContentInheritRedirect(_paletteRedirect);
In our previous article Using PaletteBase, you could see how palette values were directly recovered from the PaletteBase. However, the renderer does not interact directly with PaletteBase but instead with a set of more specific interfaces such as IPaletteBack, IPaletteBorder and IPaletteContent. Code block (1) creates a helper object that exposes these specific interfaces and redirects the IPaletteBack, IPaletteBorder, IPaletteContent calls into PaletteBase requests.
We then use block (2) to create helper objects for each of the specific interfaces. These are the actual objects you will pass into the renderer requests. They each have a Style property that allows you to specify the drawing style you require and all calls into the helper object will automatically be passed on with the style requested. You can see how this works in the code below. The following code is the template you should use in your drawing code.
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
if (_palette != null)
// (3) Get the renderer associated with this palette
IRenderer renderer = _palette.GetRenderer();
// (4) Create the rendering context that is passed into all renderer calls
using (RenderContext renderContext = new RenderContext(this, e.Graphics, e.ClipRectangle, renderer))
// (5) Set style required when rendering
_paletteBack.Style = PaletteBackStyle.ButtonStandalone;
_paletteBorder.Style = PaletteBorderStyle.ButtonStandalone;
_paletteContent.Style = PaletteContentStyle.ButtonStandalone;
// (6) ...perform renderer operations...
Code block (3) is used to grab the renderer that is associated with the palette we are using. We do not cache the renderer reference as we have already cached and tracked the global palette, so we only need to request the renderer when it is needed. Block (4) is used to create an instance of the RenderContext type that is passed into all renderer calls. We use this object in order to package up common values and so reduce the number of parameters passed into each renderer call.
In order to specify the drawing styles that should be used when recovering palette values we use block (5). In our example we are setting these values in every call to the OnPaint call as an illustration. In your own application you might prefer to set these values just once in the constructor because you know the style values are not going to change. On the other hand you might need to alter the style settings between renderer calls in order to draw different styles of elements within your custom control.
Finally comment (6) shows the placeholder location where you would insert your rendering calls. The following sections of the article give details of how to make use of the background, border and content abilities of the renderer.
Drawing a Background
To draw a background we use the PaletteBase.RenderStandardBack.DrawBack call. The following code provides you will a example usage.
// (7) Do we need to draw the background?
if (_paletteBack.GetBackDraw(PaletteState.Normal) == InheritBool.True)
using (GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath())
// (8) Add entire control client area to drawing path
// (9) Perform drawing of the background clipped to the path
_mementoBack = renderer.RenderStandardBack.DrawBack(renderContext, ClientRectangle, path, _paletteBack, VisualOrientation.Top, PaletteState.Normal, _mementoBack);
First we test to ensure that the palette specifies that the background is allowed to be drawn for the state we are requesting, as can be seen in code block (7). In this and all other examples in the article we provide the fixed PaletteState.Normal enumeration value. You should however provide the appropriate state for your control. Even the simplest control will need to provide one of two possible values, PaletteState.Normal when enabled and PaletteState.Disabled otherwise. If you need to provide more extensive feedback then you should consider supplying PaletteState.Tracking when the house is over the rendering element and PaletteState.Pressed when the mouse is also pressed down.
Code block (8) completes the process of creating a GraphicsPath that is used to clip the area of background drawn. In our case we want to draw the entire client area of the control and so set the path to the ClientRectangle, but you could create any path you like in order render complex shapes.
Finally block (9) performs the actual rendering operation. The second parameter is the rectangle you would like to be drawn and the third parameter a path used to clip the drawing operation. The second to last parameter is the palette state that you should ensure is the same as the call in block (7). The last parameter provides a memento object that is also assigned to as the result of the call. This technique allows performance improvements in the renderer as it allows the renderer to create caching objects and have them supplied again on subsequent calls.
Drawing a Border
Once you know how to draw a background the border drawing is trivial. Here is the code.
// (10) Do we need to draw the border?
if (_paletteBorder.GetBorderDraw(PaletteState.Normal) == InheritBool.True)
// (11) Draw the border inside the provided rectangle area
renderer.RenderStandardBorder.DrawBorder(renderContext, ClientRectangle, _paletteBorder, VisualOrientation.Top, PaletteState.Normal);
As with drawing the background we being with block (10) which tests to ensure we need to draw the border at all. If we do then we just need to make the call to the IRenderer.RenderStandardBorder.DrawBorder with a set of simple parameters, as seen in code block (11). The second parameter is the rectangle that specifies the outside of the border drawing area, the border itself will be drawn to fit completely within this rectangle.
Drawing a Background/Border Pair
In many cases you will be drawing a background and border for the same visual element. So if you control is drawing a button element in the client area then you would want to draw the button area background followed by the button area border. You might think this is achieved by performing the above two sections of code for the same rectangle area. In practice this is not quite the case because of a feature with borders.
It is possible for a border to have rounded corners and so we cannot just draw the background as a rectangle, if we did that then the background would be drawn outside the rounded corners. In order to prevent this we use a slightly modified version of the background drawing code presented above.
// Do we need to draw the background?
if (_paletteBack.GetBackDraw(PaletteState.Normal) == InheritBool.True)
// (12) Get the background path to use for clipping the drawing
using (GraphicsPath path = renderer.RenderStandardBorder.GetBackPath(renderContext, ClientRectangle, _paletteBorder, VisualOrientation.Top, PaletteState.Normal))
// Perform drawing of the background clipped to the path
_mementoBack = renderer.RenderStandardBack.DrawBack(renderContext, ClientRectangle, path, _paletteBack, VisualOrientation.Top, PaletteState.Normal, _mementoBack);
If you look at code block (8) from the previous drawing code then you will note that the clipping path for the background is specified by using a rectangle. Instead we use block (12) above to create a clipping path that is a description of the border. This prevents the background being drawn outside of the border. It uses a call to the IRenderer.RenderStandardBorder.GetBackPath to get the clipping path.
Drawing a Content
All Content consists of providing three values, two text strings and an image. In order to provide these values to the renderer an interface is used called IContentValues. You can implement this interface in any way that is appropriate for your usage but in our example we will choose the simplest option and implement it on the custom control itself. If you choose to do that same then you first of all need to add it to the class definition in the following way.
public class MyUserControl : UserControl, IContentValues
Next the actual interface methods need to be implemented, our examples just returns some simple fixed values.
public Image GetImage(PaletteState state) => null;
public Color GetImageTransparentColor(PaletteState state) => Color.Empty;
public string GetLongText() => "Click me!";
public string GetShortText() => string.Empty;
Unlike the background and border rendering we need to override the control layout event OnLayout. We do this so that the renderer can calculate the position and visibility of the content values and cache the results for when painting later. A control will usually be painted much more often than it is laid out and so caching the results of the layout event gives better performance than doing the calculations during every paint cycle.
In order to cache the results of the OnLayout we need to add a new field to the control as follows.
private IDisposable _mementoContent;
The actual OnLayout method is very similar to the way that the OnPaint works, recovering the IRenderer instance and then creating a context object that is passed into each of the renderer calls. The following implementation caches the result of laying out the content.
protected override void OnLayout(LayoutEventArgs e)
if (_palette != null)
// Get the renderer associated with this palette
IRenderer renderer = _palette.GetRenderer();
// Create a layout context used to allow the renderer to perform layout
using (ViewLayoutContext viewContext = new ViewLayoutContext(this, renderer))
// (13) Cleaup resources by disposing of old memento instance
if (_memento != null)
// (14) Ask the renderer to work out how the Content values will be layed out
// and return a memento object that we cache for use when performing painting
_mementoContent = renderer.RenderStandardContent.LayoutContent(viewContext, ClientRectangle, _paletteContent, this, VisualOrientation.Top, false, PaletteState.Normal);
Block (13) disposes of any existing memento instance to ensure that any resources that are held by the memento are correctly released.
Block (14) is the actual call to the renderer and parameter four provides the reference to the IContentValues interface that provides the content values. As the interface is implemented by the custom control in our example the reference is the this variable. As with all the other calls to the renderer you need to provide the appropriate palette state in place of the PaletteState.Normal constant in the examples.
Finally the actual OnPaint code needed to draw the content is presented.
// Do we need to draw the content?
if (_paletteContent.GetContentDraw(PaletteState.Normal) == InheritBool.True)
// Draw content using the memento cached from OnLayout
renderer.RenderStandardContent.DrawContent(renderContext, ClientRectangle, _paletteContent, _memento, VisualOrientation.Top, false, PaletteState.Normal);
As always the code checks that the content needs to be drawn all given the provided palette state.
Using the above information and examples it should be possible to experiment and draw whatever elements you need in your custom control in order to leverage the functionality provided in the toolkit as well as remaining faithful to the global palette settings. You should refer to the Custom Control using Renderers example project for a working example of the renderer code in action.